Ugly Spreadsheet With 6-Figure Products

Want to start selling on Shopify but don’t know which products to pick?

Or maybe you’re ALREADY selling on Shopify, but you’re making a few sales each month (and aren’t seeing much profit hit your bank account after expenses).

We’ve got an entire list of products waiting to be tested with 6-figure sales potential…

Here’s the 411…

Folks inside our VIP University are pumping out lists of 20+ products that their prospects desperately WANT AND NEED, are selling tens of thousands of dollars each month on platforms other than Shopify/FB (as you can see in the ‘revenue’ column), and don’t rely on a product recommendation app where everyone gets the same results…

So we can quickly come up with entire laundry lists of products that have the potential to hit 6-figures in sales.

Are we saying EVERY product we find is going to be a ‘winner’?

Of course not.

But given the fact that we don’t just copy other people’s stores, and we can prove our product has demand BEFORE spending a penny on ads…

We have a much higher chance of hitting $10k+ each month with just one product… rather than guessing.:-)

In fact, we shoot for 1 in every 20 products to be a ‘winner’ which can be scaled to 5 figures/month in revenue. …

and we test quickly and cost-effectively so that we don’t burn a bunch of money on ads.

It’s how I’ve been able to scale to $40k+ in single days…

Since I test 1-5 new products each day.

Now, your budget might not allow that.

We’ll start slowly testing 2-3 products/week.

But once we find ONE hot product…

It’s a LOT easier to make your first sale, and scale to 20+ sales/day… since you’re one of the FEW people selling a product people desperately want and need with THOUSANDS of potential customers.

SO… If you’d like to be able to put together these lists of in demand products – where 1 in every 20 has the potential to hit 6-figures in revenue…

(NOTE: Rather than GIVING you a product, we’ll show you exactly how to do it so you can make sales for yourself for a LIFETIME.

Think of the old saying about giving a man a fish vs. teaching him.:-)…

Shoot an email to: —> [email protected] And we’ll get you all the info you need. – Justin P.S.

In that image you saw above, behind the black box on the left, is a product that’s very likely to make 5 or 6 figures in sales.

If you’re just starting out, rather than wasting $5k – $10k in products that didn’t have a chance to begin with…

You could have your first successful product just by putting together a quick spreadsheet.

And if you’re looking to ‘bolt-on’ income to an existing e-com business, this is a great way to find winning products that other sellers completely miss.
