Where Can You Place a Client’s Image and Video Ads for Affordable and Optimized Marketing in 2021?

We’re sure we are both in agreement here. 

Since television no longer influences customers to make purchases as it used to, very few individuals will argue that TV commercials have the same impact on shaping consumer preferences as they did in the past.

Fortunately, social media advertising has opened up a new avenue of opportunity.

So where can you place a client’s image and video ads in 2021? Continue reading to find out!

8 Best Social Media Platforms Where You Can Place a Client’s Image and Video Ads

According to a recent survey, raising brand recognition is one of the most important marketing objectives. Nowadays, many businesses are doing this through the purchase of social media advertising space. This shift is due to the fact that consumers are increasingly turning to social media to research and purchase goods and services.

“More than half of the world’s web traffic now comes from mobile phones and one in five of the world’s population shopped online in the past 30 days.” – Fanbooster

These days, marketers have a plethora of social media platforms at their disposal. The ones they choose to utilize will ultimately significantly impact their overall social media marketing performance. Factors like your industry, target audience, and brand may all have an impact on the network you choose.

If you’re looking for further marketing support, check out our post “CommerceHub: 10 Reasons Why Ecommerce Experts Rely on a Powerful Marketing Tool

So without further ado, here are the eight best social media platforms to place a client’s image and video ads.

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021? Facebook!


Facebook video ad choices are available in various lengths, ranging from short, looping films that auto-play in the Facebook user’s feeds to original and extended 241-minute sponsored videos, among other possibilities. 

On top of that, you can also make video advertisements that play within other films or even publish 360-degree videos. However, generally speaking, shorter video advertisements have been shown to perform better with greater conversion rates.

On the other hand, if you have a lengthy yet captivating message, you can make it longer to encompass your intentions for the visual or video ad fully. Short or long, videos are great at efficiently showcase your client’s products or services and help them stand out in a more static newsfeed.

With so many alternatives available, it’s essential to have clear objectives and a clear understanding of your target audience and which channels your video ad will best reach them.

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021?


Facebook owns Instagram, and as a result, Instagram supports the same advertising campaign objectives as Facebook: awareness, consideration, and conversion (ACR).

When it comes to the target audience, Instagram has been shown to gear towards the millennial generations such as Generation Z and Generation Xers.

You can place a client’s image and video ads on both the Instagram feed and the stories. Additionally, placing video advertisements on the IGTV feature provides a unique approach to contact the target demographic in a more detailed way.

Within the Instagram feed, image and video advertisements will appear in the same format as a typical post, except that it will indicate “Sponsored” in the upper right corner. 

BONUS TIP: We highly recommend that you include a call-to-action button in your campaign, depending on the goal you want to achieve.

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021? YouTube!


If you use the platform correctly, YouTube ads will assist you in accomplishing the following business objectives for your client:

  • Get in touch with potential customers
  • Increase consumer awareness of your brand.
  • Increase the number of visitors to your website.

Enhance the client’s brand recognition while also expanding the reach of the company.

In terms of viewership, reports show that YouTube boasts more male users than female users. Its users are evenly distributed across all age categories as well.

In-stream advertising that viewers can skip, non-skippable in-stream ads, video discovery ads, bumper ads, out-of-stream ads, and masthead advertisements are some of the many image and video ad types accessible on YouTube.

Since Google owns YouTube, you must first sign up for a Google AdWords account to produce YouTube advertisements.

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021? Twitter!


Twitter advertisements are designed to achieve three distinct goals: raising awareness, increasing consideration, and increasing conversions. 

Over two-thirds of Twitter’s audience is composed of males.

The Twitter ads platform provides companies with two options for creating Twitter advertisements: 

  • Promote tweets to your selected audience automatically
  • Create campaign advertisements depending on your company objectives.

Answer your pending questions such as “Where can you place a client’s image and video ads?” and MORE with Justin Woll’s Personal Mastermind Mentorship Program for budding eCommerce professionals!

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021? Pinterest!


Pinterest is a social media platform where users may share (or “pin”) various visual material. While this is commonly grouped with other social media platforms, Pinterest is more like a search engine such as Google.

Due to the fact that everything from a picture of a scarf to an infographic may be included in this category, almost any business can find its place on this social media platform. 

This can be one of the greatest social media sites for promoting fresh visual material and increasing website traffic if you’re active on the platform and keep boards updated often.

Pinterest image and video ads can be created simply by dressing up some statistics or other fascinating, evergreen material in the correct format and linking them to your website.

According to statistics, around 85% of Pinterest’s user base is female. That said, this platform is especially beneficial if your target audience is primarily women as well.

Either way, the site has several hundred million unique visitors each month, which makes it an ideal marketing platform for any of your clients.

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021? LinkedIn!


LinkedIn is the most professional social network available with little competition in that area. 

A flourishing community of employees and company owners who communicate and connect professionally makes it a considerably more formal advertising platform than the others. 

As a result, its users are more likely to respond positively to B2B material than the B2C industry. To put it simply, businesses seeking clients will have greater success than firms marketing directly to consumers in the long term. 

You may find decision-makers and influencers on LinkedIn, and if you can get your brand and message in front of them in the right way, your client’s sales conversions should increase.

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021? Snapchat!


Surprisingly, Snapchat boasts 398 million monthly active users, making it still one of the most competitive and lucrative advertising platforms on the market. 

“Nearly six in ten, or 59 percent to be exact, of all U.S. internet users aged 13 to 24 years use the photo-sharing app” – Oberlo

In addition to being immensely popular among young people, with over 220 million users under the age of 25, it has a female-dominated readership of around 60%.

Snapchat advertisements should be kept short and sweet to be the most effective. The way the platform works is that Snapchat will display full-screen, vertically formatted advertisements between other pieces of content.

On this platform you should also include a call-to-action button for your client’s website to encourage Snapchat users to swipe up and interact with your brand.

Where to place a client's image and videos ads in 2021? TikTok!


TikTok is the newest social media platform that entered the game in the last couple years. It quickly climbed the ranks and is now the seventh-largest social media network in the world.

The audience base is primarily a young and energetic group for its fast-paced and short video posts. The whole platform is completely based on video making it a perfect platform to place your client’s video ads.

There are various ways to advertise with TikTok such as in-feed ads, branded hashtag challenges, brand takeovers, and TopView ads.

Like many other platforms, you can pick audience targets and add a TikTok pixel to tie your account to your website.

Best practices for advertising on TikTok are to place image and video ads for your clients that are authentic and fast-paced.

Where Can You Place a Client’s Image and Video Ads?

In short, just about everywhere! The growing number of online and mobile shoppers are proving to us eCommerce experts that virtual advertising is just hitting the tip of the iceberg. There are many different opportunities to place a client’s image and video ads between social media platforms and video ad networks.  

The most important factor in your choice of “where” is to look at your client’s target audience and see where they are. If you place a client’s ads on the wrong platform, you could end up wasting their valuable ad spend and your time!

How to Never Waste Invaluable Marketing Dollars Again

BeyondVideos is a top-tier commercial video production company designed for any individual or company that wants to elevate their brand’s message and increase customer conversions.

If you are struggling with questions such as, “Where can you place a client’s image and video ads?” we are here to help!

Our expert video ads team is ready to create high converting videos that will perform well on any platform. We are experienced in the eCommerce industry making us the number one choice for product and brand videos for online stores.

If you’re ready to outsource some of these video creation services to a company that is dedicated to the success of your client, BeyondVideos should be your number one choice.

Check out all that BeyondVideos has to offer by following THIS LINK!

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