This article was orginally published on Forbes (read the original article by clicking the link).
Critical Components For A Successful E-Course Program
Ever wonder where to start learning? How to start learning? Or even who to learn from?
Many entrepreneurs ask me similar questions, and my recommendation is always to look at online education programs. They offer the ability to learn at your own pace, are affordable and can offer great insight into skills you are looking to develop.
However, it’s important to find high-quality programs that will provide you with value for your investment. You do not want to dedicate your time to something that is not worth your money.
I recently joined Justin Woll’s “Beyond Six Figures” program, which showed me that a great online course can and should emphasize value-driven content and community support. After being in the program, here is what I now look for in any online educational experience.
It Emphasizes Value
One of the first things you want to look for as a student is value. The course I took immediately delved into practical step-by-step guides and marketing tactics. Each lesson included real-world examples from the program founder or some of the top performing students.
The ability to see each lesson applied with real financial results kept me motivated and focused on learning. Seeing how each lesson worked and was applied in real life helped me understand why each step was important and how it benefited the overall end goals.
It Offers Open Communication And Availability
One of the most important components of a course is open communication with the program founder. They should be available to address any questions you have or clarifications you need about the course. Some online programs can leave you with questions and nowhere to look for answers, so being able to receive a response to an email in less than 24 hours is important. This clear communication structure and open dialogue with the founder bought my trust and helped me believe that the class was designed to help me be successful.
It Provides Community Access And Support
Another component that reinforces an emphasis on support and value is having an online community. It is important to communicate with others when you’re struggling, but when you work for yourself, it can be difficult to find that support. Whenever I was stuck, I could reach out to the community and members who shared my experience and could provide practical solutions or assistance. The community was able to bring lessons to life and reinforce the program’s value.
It Creates An Environment For Success
Programs must offer students the resources and tools to succeed. Beyond that, though, they should offer a community that can help guide you through the practical application of the program, improving your chances of professional and financial success. Make sure you look for a good community and value-driven content to ensure that you are investing in a quality online educational course or program.
It is important to seek help when starting an online business by yourself for the first time. Doing it alone can be a bit of a struggle, not to mention scary. The money you invest is important, and the advice you get must be taken seriously. Learn from other people’s failures, and try to avoid them as much as you can along your journey.